Wednesday, August 31, 2005

seriously, WTF?

what else is making me angry today:

new census bureau report shows 37 million people living in poverty and 45.8 million without health insurance...those are just ridiculous numbers...and, remember that half of the un-insured are children. Great. I wonder if this has anything to do with the $5 billion a month we are spending on war/occupation. Nah...

Benjamin Netanyahoo is
launching a comeback...great...let's insert a borderline-fascist, hyper-nationalist into an already tense situation (yes, he's crazier than Sharon). Let's keep building that wall, let's re-open and expand settlements. Hey Ben, why not just bulldoze all of those Palestinians into the sea and be done with it?

I also saw a little blurb that said most people think that creationism and evolution should be taught together. I love how many people think evolution is 'theory' (even though we are watching other species evolve as we speak and the evidence that we are evolving is pretty fucking solid) while creationism is a 'fact'. I respect people's religious beliefs, but a 'fact'? Come on, that is pure faith people. If it is what you believe, teach your kids, but don't keep everyone else's kids from learning about evolution or try to force them to learn about your beliefs while in science class.


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