Monday, August 15, 2005

tellin it like it is...

I have been noticing an ever increasing phenomenon of right-wingers writing books about how liberals are destroying and/or hate America, and while this attack dog mentality is nothing new, the personal nature of the attacks is increasing. For instance, journalist turned professional whiner Bernard Goldberg now has a book where he lists 100 people who are "screwing up" the country. This is pretty much just a boring rant by a bitter old codger, but people might take this naming of names serious and really think people like Michael Moore and Al Gore are screwing up America. I'm sure if I was famous enough I'd be on this list and on any list of people who "hate" America because we aren't afraid to dissent and work for change. Now adays wanting change has suddenly come to = hate, but I guess that's a different rant. So, in the spirit of naming names, here are 25 hate-filled tired old neo-fascists who could really "screw up" America, if not completely fuck it up (thankfully some are just stupid, and by stupid I mean not very smart, pundits) :

Ann Coulter (literally makes me wanna barf), Bill O'Reilly, Lynn Chaney, Sean Hannity, Karl Rove, Tucker Carlson, Zell Miller (don't you know whata metafer is!), Rush Limbaugh, Fred Phelps, William F. Buckley Jr. (once threatened to punch Noam Chomsky in the goddamn face), George Will, Tom DeLay, Rudy Giuliani, Dr. Laura, Robert Novak, televangelists, right wing bloggers, Joe Scarborough, Rick Santorum, Norm Coleman, Brit Hume, Newt Gingrich, Michael Savage, David Horowitz, and of course Bernard Goldberg.

It's not an exhaustive list, but it's a start. I don't hate any of them (except Ann Coulter), but I'd kick them in the balls if given the'll also notice that they are almost exclusively privilaged white people, imagine that!


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