Friday, July 22, 2005

Why am I angry today?

Because I got gmail, which rules, but angryyoungman and whysoangry were already taken! Someone out there needs a whoopin...

Because was already taken...but at least that guy is really angry, I used to be that angry, but it isn't good for your health...that's like Henry Rollins or Lewis Black angry...I'm still pretty fuckin angry though...

Because it has been too hot to take my new toy out for a spin, especially since I just had to go with the Brando black leather jacket...

Because the PATRIOT Act got reauthorized by the House (of Evil), fascist bastards...oh, wait, they're probably watching me right now, I mean to say that I love President Bush, he is perfect, God Bless the USA...

Because they're after me...


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